Friday, December 30, 2011

Holidays turn week

Here i come! Time flies like an arrow, first semester in my course finished.     Homework, group projects, paperwork, report, assignment.. Omg! No wonder i have no social life. Start studying for finals, but i think my photographic memory card now is totally full. Urgh, my brain has exploded from too much info. 

And I just want to say :

This is the way how i study. Okay i know, ignore my messy hair please. Hahaha. 

The best ever medicine when stress comes. I need them always, thank you Vitagen. (:

Owh ohh, break time finished. Time to study.. Bye.:(

Thursday, July 28, 2011


一年了,外婆不在我们身边的日子一年了,亲人们心里想问的问题都一样,都是那一句,过得还好吗? 回想去年刚过完自己的生日后,不久残酷的事实就找上门,人生往往乐中带悲,所以那一年的生日愿望没实现,永远也不。


手术前一晚,我打个电话给她加油,要她一定要撑下去。她很可爱,我还没开口,就问我吃饱了没,不要太迟睡......原来,那是我们的最后一通电话。:'(  机会不常常有,而我却再也没机会了。

当天考完试,外婆才正准备进手术房,那时觉得好庆幸,心想:赶得及,赶得及。房门一开,一眼看到的就是一个好慈祥的笑容,让人的心里觉得好舒服,印象好深刻。"都说不用来了,干嘛还赶来"  "哎呀,医院离学校很近,走路五六分钟就到了,很快的"。那一段走去手术房的路是外婆自己走的,也是我最后一次在她的后面看她自己走路。到了手术房时,她的笑容是勉强的,紧张的心情都表露在脸上。她最疼二舅了,看着二舅紧紧握着外婆的手说,"我们都在外面为你加油",那时的外婆,是勇敢的。

有些难关不是一次就能成功,有了第一次手术就会有第二,第三..... ;不乐观的事接二连三地发生,她的身体就再也撑不了,手上插满了许多管子,变得好瘦,好瘦....每个手术都让她的身体状况变得越来越虚弱,ICU的房门大家都不想再踏入。最终大家都选择说了谎,处处隐瞒她的病情就是为了不要让她放弃。其实有些事情不知道比知道来得更好,对她说谎的舅舅阿姨们其实心中流了无数的泪。半年的生命时间,两个月的生命时间,短短几天内又缩短成两天的时间,半夜打来的电话总是让人提心吊胆。那时我好恨上天的绝情,一个机会让外婆说出自己的遗言也没给。




Saturday, June 25, 2011

June twenty-fifth's diary :)

..listening Touching Heart by SeeYa now. Oh my, I've got this song on the brain, that slushy emotional music. Have a listen if you love emotional song because it has plaintive melody. Kay, back to topic, last post was like a month ago. Hmmmm, busy and lazy.

But anyway, things are fine if don't mention about my work. Dad always said working is good, bla bla blahhh...You know, old saying. Well, the job is good, just i want to stop it with no reason. 'Just said you're lazy.' said mum. Ohh no mum, you're really my mum, nobody could read my mind except you. ;) Aiyoh, university life's coming soon, so should have holiday to relax and prepare some stuffs before go into jail life, right?

Tsk tsk tsk, korean infection, addicted on korean drama recently. Ohh yes, i'm willing to sacrifice my sleeping time to it although the next morning have to work. Dad said i'm crazy. I don't think so, it's normal to youngster having an owl life like me. And dear weather, i know you're hot, don't need to show off. Uhhh, It's HOTTTTT. You make me sick. :(

Oh yea babeh, today sick, take leave, FREEEEdom! So i plan to clean up my room especially wardrobe, floor, desk, window,....kay, is everything actually. :/ You know, my mum like to complain my things are in a muddle, tidy up your room please or you might at least tidy up your desk..... At first i'm very excited when start to tidy up my wardrobe. Mind's thinking: Nyehehe, clothes don't fit in, just throw, THROW! Then i can buy new one. But....... is nothing to throw in the end. Uhh uhh, dissatisfied. La la lah, next step is to bath they two and let them have a sunbathe seen sun's so hot and spicy today. Well, I know i'm a good owner. :DD  Realized today just done wardrobe part, others no yet touch. Nevermind next time, dinner time reach, eat is more important. Bye people, bye saturday!  :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011





  人越大,吵架后就越难复合。小时候不是因为妈妈不让我吃冰淇淋而吵,就是因为做功课不小心过了朋友的桌子被骂,然后吵架,冷战一节。谁叫我小时候就患上了气喘,咳嗽数年,连医生到现在还认得我。小时候都是为了小事而吵,可是没多久,勾勾手,又成朋友。那时的我们,思想单纯又简单。可是长大后的吵架原因就不同了,就是因为思想比较成熟,觉得有必要吵架才会吵,吵后才发现是多么难复合。 说穿了,还不是彼此都不肯踏上第一步。


Monday, May 9, 2011






以前也有听过一个故事,有一天,老鼠对猫说:我爱你。猫说:滚远一点!老鼠流下一滴眼泪走了;但是谁也没有看到,就在老鼠转身的时候,猫也流下了一滴眼泪,就是因为不要执著而放弃彼此。 放弃该放弃的是无奈,放弃不该放弃的是无能,不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执著。


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hey, people! I have really, really neglected my blog for a long time. Well, recently i'm searching penang food from net that i have never try before. No dare to say out that i have studied in penang for year and half but never try so many famous food. So before i have to start my uni life in somewhere else, I MUST TRY.

In penang, we always go for ice kacang and cendol as our desert. I found a hawker stall called 'Ais Tingkap' or 'Window Sherbet’ because the chilled sherbet drink was sold over the window when it first started in Penang. It is a sweet red colour flavored (rose essence) drink chilled with fine shaved ice served in chilled glass with pieces of coconut flesh.

Rose essence, in my opinion mostly chinese people don't like to drink it. But for me, i can accept it for sometimes. Let me show you how it is made.

This drink was created in the late 1920's. Of course over the years, this drink has undergone some changes. From the information, i found that in the olden days, they used 25 different herbs and ingrediens whereas now they only uses a few. Why? I don't know.

But people commented that is true, very unique kind of thirst killing drink! So lovely so delicious. :)
As i know, this hawker stall is located in Tamil Street/Penang Road, beside Chowrasta Market. And it is closed on Sunday. RM1.50 per glass is a nice complement with all the snacks that are sold around there, worth la worth la!

Seriously, I ate cendol in penang road a few times. But i don't know besides cendol, we can make a request for their colourful iceball. How come i just know it recently? Seee, as i said at beginning, i dare not say i'm 'penang ka'.

But iceball is seldom seen nowadays and was once a very favourable item and loved by many children. My mum told me she likes to eat when kid. And she said it does bring back old memories when she remembered buying this type of iceball, at only RM0.10 cents after school hours.
Last time i went there for cendol, i and my friends all just stand around the stall eating the cendol. And it brings me fun lot, i love the way. :)

Oooh my, i think it is fun then holding the cold iceball with my bare hands. This is the best when the wheather is like oven hot for now. THIS I MUST GO!

But now, one such iceball douse with sarsi and red sugar syrup cost RM0.80. I wish I could see more of this iceball around town. Okay, it's open from 11pm-7pm.

I have tried this before in my hometown and mum bought it from pasar sri rambai. She told me rm4 each, but if you want have a try in penang, the price i don't know. But rm4 for each is quite expensive but if you never eat before, must try. It's super duper yummy and i could finished whole one.

Inside, you will get the yummy coconut flesh but with less coconut water as some of it has formed into jelly. You will be surprise to find a large amount of smooth jelly in there. Wooooo!

It's located at Jalan Dato Keramat, and it's near my college last. I saw the shop before, i walked pass the shop before, one thing is I NEVER STEP IN BEFORE. Okay, i'm regret. The shop is open for business from early morning to late afternoon. Last time i passed by the shop, it's always full a lot of people standing while enjoy drinking their coconut drinks beside road. And it's hard to find parking, i tell you!

If you know where have yummy food in penang, i welcome you to tell me. Happy sunday, BYE!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Dislike you so much, have to work on your day. Drama's time gone. Night market gone. -___-
On my way, i think we should work for 2 days and have 5 off every week for the same pay.

Well, i love exhilarating happening when working. Take for an example, had taught a four years old's little boy pronounced word of SWEET but he pronounced likes SHIT in the end. And when he read, sound's likes 'The cake is so SHIT! Oh My God, i love this kid so much. I want bring him home if wish. :)

A phrase 'Thankyou, teacher!' come out from their mouth can seriously turned my switch of mood into good mood. Kids, please say somemore next time! Hahaha. :D

But sometimes i think it's odd how people always notice when you come in late or leave early, but they don't care when you come in early, work late and/or work from home! Luckily i'm not, Hahaha.

Have to sleep. Good night, people!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friendship is a tree. :)

Within this holiday, i realized that life without friendship is like the sky without sun. Oh gosh, i can't live well without friends, seriously.

Sometimes i felt friendship is like a tree. It is not measured on how TALL it could be, but is on how DEEP the roots have grown. :)  And it's always a lot of sheltering tree around me. How lucky and fortunate i am. HAHAHAHA! I think the answer is on me. Errrr....YESH i know, because i'm friendly :PPP

But sometimes friends are like stars, i can't ALWAYS see them. But well, at least i know they are always for me. Stick, master, mafia, poju yap, mrs.cheah, prince, potato, tomato, mumu, phey chee jie..... you should know who you are. :)

Many people will walk in and out of my life, but only true friends will leave footprints in my heart. Is that you?
Maybe you're, but maybe you're not. But it's okay, at least you did it in other people life.

Stars have 5 ends, squares have 4 ends, triangles have 3 ends, lines have 2 ends, life has 1 end, but i hope my friendship is like a circle, has no end. :)

Opps, is a STARRRR! Yeeeeh, whose nails painted with blue color, miss pang yours one ah? :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011






好啦,我知道待在家白吃白住好有几个月了,明天就去做工咯!然后才有钱可以不时地去喝珍珠奶茶。 :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011





Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is awesome trip. :) again to blog something. :)
Holidays with Family will always a trip. The best feeling in this world is with family. Who say so, waaa!  Is a special journey with full of laughter is all because this time i had spent my christmas with big family in indonesia.
....feeling is still excited although was the second time. Well, maybe mind keep thinking about shopping. But time flies just like a shooting star. *Phewww, finish journey, back to malaysia. Chehhh, not seen my studying time can flies so.

Now i only knew where is the BEST place for shopping? is Bandung, Indonesia! Factory outlet there just like a heaven for all lady. Branded products: Gucci, Guess, Polo, Burberry, LV.. The factory outlets is just along the whole road and you'll never see the ending of road, seriously one day is not enough. 
Shopping mall in indo... Lohhhh, KLCC is not a competitor with it. Is the first time i need scan whole body before go in the mall. Can you imagine it? Spectacles will drop down if see that. The shopping mall is high class beyond words.

....And what i like the most is the sleeping volcano among volcanoes. It's was just awesome, but i hate the sulphur smell. The surrounding air is freaking cold but the water inside volcano is warm. Wondering why. :S One more is hot spring! I don't like the place so much anyway because it was crowded that time because of public holiday. Well, what i know is the hot spring is natural and famous. :)

Ohh ya, the money there is too BIG in value. Just like going for a toilet, need to pay 1 thousand rupiah but just 40 sen. And everytime i'm very confused when paying, so calculator is needed when the values came to 6 digits like 279,000. Hahahah! The funniest thing i realized is the car used for taxi in there is VIOS! Wahhh, is better than wira. :)
......Still a lot to say but because of lazy, i'll upload the photo in my blog afterwardsssssssssssss.

Oh my, i gained weight over the holidays...because i'm preparing for the role of  Mrs.Claus for next year. HoHoHo! I love my holidays so much because i had a splendid holiday in 2010. Next stop, Thailand! Bye.